Sasha Area, JD
REALTOR® 504.605.4400 sashadarea@gmail.com
Maria Argote
REALTOR® 504.605.4400 mfargote@gmail.com
Warren Backer
REALTOR® 504.875.3555 warbac.realtor@gmail.com
Melody Morse Barousse
REALTOR® | The Morse Team 504.605.4400 morseteammail@gmail.com.png)
Jay Batt
REALTOR® 504.875.3555 jaybatt@gmail.com
Eileen Boh
REALTOR® | RealMike Partners 504.605.4400 eileenboh81@gmail.com
Sally Brower
REALTOR® 504.605.4400 sallybrowernola@gmail.com
Hayley Bumpas, JD
REALTOR® | The Martzolf Group 504.605.4400 hayleybumpas@gmail.com.png)
Kevin Callahan
REALTOR® 504.875.3555 kjcallahan3@gmail.com
Lauren Chiu
REALTOR® 662.571.2148 laurenchiu03@gmail.com
Patrick Christovich
REALTOR® 504.605.4400 pchristovich@gmail.com
Anne Comarda
REALTOR® 504.875.3555 anne@delerycomarda.com.png)
Julie Comarda
REALTOR® 504.605.4400 julie.comarda@gmail.com
Naomi Corass
REALTOR® 504.605.4400 naomicorassrealtor@yahoo.com
Margaret Crews
REALTOR® 504.875.3555 margaretcrews.realtor@gmail.com
Joyce Delery
REALTOR® | Lead Associate Broker 504.875.3555 joyce@delerycomarda.com
Suzanna Dishman
REALTOR® 504.605.4400 suzannadishman@icloud.com
Oliver Doxtater
REALTOR® 504.605.4400 oliver@mceneryco.com
Washington Duke
REALTOR® 504.434.0944 washington@mceneryco.com
Cassi Dymond
REALTOR® 504.605.4400 cassi@mceneryco.com
Katherine Eshleman
Partner | REALTOR® 504-605-4400 katherine@mceneryco.com
Clare Folson
REALTOR® 504.605.4400 claretherealtor@gmail.com.png)
Katie Frame
REALTOR® 504.605.4400 katieframerealtor@gmail.com
Kate Barousse Friedman
REALTOR® | The Morse Team 504.605.4400 morseteammail@gmail.com.png)
Jamie Gallo
REALTOR® | Hohnstein Gallo Group 504.605.4400 jamiefgallo@gmail.com.png)
Jonathan Goedecke
REALTOR® 504.875.3555 j.gdk.mr@gmail.com
Liz Hagstette
REALTOR® 504.605.4400 lizhags@gmail.com
Margie Hardesty
REALTOR® | Marais Collective 504.605.4400 margiehardestyrealtor@gmail.com
Sean Hillis
REALTOR® 504.605.4400 seanmhillis@gmail.com.png)
Eleanor Hohnstein
REALTOR® | Hohnstein Gallo Group 504.605.4400 eleanorwhohnstein@gmail.com
Mike Humphrey
REALTOR® | RealMike Partners 504.756.3133 mike@realmike.com
Adele Hunt
REALTOR® | Marais Collective 504.605.4400 adelehuntrealtor@gmail.com
Chuck Ives
REALTOR® 504.605.4400 chuckives3@gmail.com
Katie Key
REALTOR® 504.605.4400 katiekeymr@gmail.com
Molly Dugger Koenig
REALTOR® 504.605.4400 molly@mceneryco.com
Paul Kogos
REALTOR® 504.875.3555 paulkogos@aol.com
Caitlyn Smith Kucia
REALTOR® 504.605.4400 caitlynsmithrealtor@gmail.com
Corynne Lindemann
REALTOR® 504.605.4400 corynne@mceneryco.com.png)
Brie Lopez
REALTOR® | Marais Collective 504.605.4400 brielopezrealtor@gmail.com
Jen St. Paul Lott
REALTOR® 504.605.4400 jenlstpaul@gmail.com
Jonathan Maki
REALTOR® 504.605.4400 jonathanmaki.realtor@gmail.com.png)
Claire Marquette
REALTOR® 504.875.3555 clairemarquettemr@gmail.com.png)
Ansley Seaver Marshall
Partner | REALTOR® | Ansley Marshall Group 504.605.4400 ansleymarshall@gmail.com
Sarah Martzolf
REALTOR® | The Martzolf Group 504.605.4400 sarah@sellfinddesign.com
Margaret Maxwell
REALTOR® | Maxwell Strachan Group 504.605.4400 maxwellstrachangroup@gmail.com
Colleen Mayfield
Director of Operations 504.605.4400 admin@mceneryco.com
Parke McEnery
Partner | Sponsoring Broker 504.605.4400 parke@mceneryco.com
Anna Mixon
REALTOR® 504.605.4400 anna@annamixon.com.png)
Candy Morse Modeen
REALTOR® | The Morse Team 504.605.4400 morseteammail@gmail.com
Candice Moses
REALTOR® 504.605.4400 candice.p.moses@gmail.com.png)
Emilie Riser Moseley
REALTOR® 504.605.4400 emiliermoseley@gmail.com
Samantha Murrah
REALTOR® 504.605.4400 samantha@samanthamurrah.com
Annie Palmer, CPA
REALTOR® 504.605.4400 akp.palmer@gmail.com
Paula Parker
REALTOR® 504.605.4400 paulaparkerrealestate@gmail.com
Whitney Perkins
REALTOR® 504.605.4400 whitney@mceneryco.com.png)
Ellie Platt
REALTOR® 504.605.4400 ellieplattnola@gmail.com
Lesley Poché, JD
REALTOR® 504.605.4400 lpoche963@gmail.com
Angie Provensal
REALTOR® | Brown Provensal Group 504.605.4400 angieprovensal@gmail.com
Margot Castaing Rainold
REALTOR® 504.605.4400 margot@mceneryco.com.png)
Doug Rodick
REALTOR® 504.875.3555 rodickdoug@gmail.com
Megan Ruse
REALTOR® 504.605.4400 meganeruse@gmail.com
Ellie Sanders
REALTOR® 504.615.0151 elinorcsanders@gmail.com
Isabel Sanders
REALTOR® 504.605.4400 isabelwsanders@gmail.com
Lindsey Schafer
REALTOR® | Maxwell Strachan Group 504.605.4400 lhgschafer@gmail.com
Meredith Strachan
REALTOR® | Maxwell Strachan Group 504.605.4400 maxwellstrachangroup@gmail.com.png)
Patricia Lo Strunk
REALTOR® 504.605.4400 patricialostrunk@gmail.com
Brent Talavera
REALTOR® 228.861.2623 brenttalavera@gmail.com
Gillian Talbot
REALTOR® 504.605.4400 gilliantalbotrealtor@gmail.com.png)
Sue Tiblier
REALTOR® 504.875.3555 suesells504@gmail.com.png)
Gizelda Toomer
REALTOR® 504.875.3555 gizeldatoomer211@gmail.com
Bill Trapp
REALTOR® 504.875.3555 nolarealtor1@yahoo.com
Jim Underwood
REALTOR® 504.875.3555 jhuiv68@gmail.com.png)
Colleen Vergona
REALTOR® 504.875.3555 colleenvergona100@gmail.com
Rebecca Waxman
REALTOR® 504.605.4400 Rebecca.t.waxman@gmail.com
Kristen Wellborn
REALTOR® | The Martzolf Group 504.605.4400 nolakris@gmail.com
Rosy Wilson
REALTOR® 504.605.4400 rosywilson54@gmail.com
Molly Wogan
REALTOR® | The Martzolf Group 504.605.4400 mollyhwogan@gmail.com